Annual renewals

Membership Renewals

When do I need to renew my membership?
Your annual membership fee becomes due on the 1st April of each year.

We allow a little leeway, but if you haven't renewed by June 1st, your membership lapses and you have to re-join.

Do I need to fill in a form when I renew?
Generally speaking, no. You can pay your fee by cheque, bank transfer or standing order and as long as we can identify you from your payment that will be sufficient.

However, if your membership details have changed in any way (address, contact details) then we strongly advise you to fill in and submit the renewal form. 

What does it cost to renew membership?

If you pay before June 1st, the annual membership fee is £10. Later renewals are £15 which includes a late registration fee.

How can I pay?

We accept payment by bank transfer, cheque and standing order.

Downloadable application forms

Click here   for a membership renewal form 

For printed forms 

Contact the membership secretary by  email:membership@causewayu3a  

or by writing to:

Membership Secretary

Lisnagowney Cottage

88 Castlecat Road


BT57 8TW


More information

Causeway U3A's Data Protection Policy  

Causeway U3A's Privacy Policy 

Not a member but would like to join? 
Click here to go to the "How to join" page.

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