
Pay by bank transfer

Log on to your online bank account and select the option for making a bank transfer payment. Follow the direction given by your bank. Here are Causeway u3a’s bank details:

Payee: Causeway u3a

Bank: HSBC

Sort code: 40-18-60

Account number: 60095311

Amount: £10 per person

Please Include this reference so that we will know who is renewing their membership.

Reference: Name + Membership Number(s)

(as in our membership records)

If paying for a joint member identify both members (if space is limited use membership numbers only)


Pay by standing order

If you already have a standing order to pay your membership fees, it should pay automatically on the date you have selected. However, please see the notes to the right.

If you want to set up a new standing order, we suggest that you reconsider and set up a bank transfer payment instead (see above). Our bank details are

Payee: Causeway u3a

Bank: HSBC

Sort code: 40-18-60

Account number: 60095311

Amount: £10 per person

Please check the reference details on your standing order to ensure that we can identify all members to whom it applies. The best way to do this is to include all relevant membership numbers.

New standing orders
These can take up to 4 weeks to set up.

You can download a standing order mandate here.

If you are changing form standing order to another form of payment

Do not forget to cancel your standing order in good time! Otherwise your bank will keep paying it.

Other payment methods

Membership fees

If you cannot pay by either of the above methods, please contact the membership secretary. Contact details are below.

The standard membership fee is £10 for a year.

New members and late renewers pay an additional £5 registration fee.

Address for correspondence

Cu3a Membership secretary

75 Castlewood Avenue

Coleraine, BT52 1EW


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