

'Mindfulness is awareness that rises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally.'

Research has shown that the benefits of mindfulness include:-

·  Stress reduction

·  Managing emotions

·  Reducing anxiety

·  Decreasing emotional reactivity

·  Increased focus 

·  Memory boost

The tutor, Helen, is an accredited life coach and has more than 25 years experience in mental health. Helen offers a range of courses using Zoom. Unfortunately it looks like that we shall not have enough u3a members to set up a cost-effective course at the moment, but here is an alternative suggestion.

Helen runs drop-in sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10.00h to 10.30h and 19.00h to 19.30h, both days. A voluntary £5 contribution is suggested for each session. Helen says that these sessions give people interested the opportunity to experience some mindfulness activities before signing up for one of her 6-week courses, and for those already familiar with the techniques, to become part of an ongoing mindfulness community. Here is the link to sign up for the drop-in sessions.


If there is sufficient interest, we will try to set up another group in the Causeway area for u3a members.

Expressions of interest to Christine Turner

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