
CU3A activity group updates

The natural unit within a U3A is the Activity Group. People in groups share common interests. Normally groups communicate with each other using Beacon, but it may be useful for groups to share ideas more widely during this crisis. For that reason, we are inviting Group Leaders or Group members want to share ideas – perhaps some can be tried by other groups. 

Please send your suggestions to and we will post them for sharing.
It's possible to play bridge online with friends!
Here are some links to get you started
 This group is keeping in contact through WhatsApp. The tutor is providing tutorials using Zoom and her website "Catch yerself on!" is full of useful advice.
Tai Chi
Our tutor Bernie Lafferty has produced some video support "doing 8 treasures" which you can find on You Tube at

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Creative writing
Mary Farrell has written a plan for the creative writing group.
Click here to read it. (updated 28/06/2020)

Newsletter 2 (lost in the ether but now available!)
Please note that we are simply sharing our work with U3A members as part of the Covid-19 Initiative. This is not to be considered as publishing it in any way.
Trivia Quiz
Quiz 9 - First Zoom quiz!
Here are the questions and answers 
Facebook group
Our page is very active these days and is a great way to keep in touch and enjoy fun posts by members. If you would like to join our Facebook here is what to do 
  1. you must have your own Facebook page. If you need to set one up, go to the social media section of this website 
  2. when you have your own page, find the search box and enter “causewayu3a” and click 
  3. when our page opens, click the request to join button. 
The administrator will check you are a member of our group and if you are, he will add you. This is a closed group which means it is only seen by other Causeway U3A members
Members of the poetry group have been sharing and writing poems.

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