Causeway u3a
Current status
Yoga is a form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing. You are never too old for yoga!
Venue: Arcadia, various times.
Autumn / Winter restarts 4 November 2024
Tanya's classes start 13 November 2023
NOTE: NO longer Tuesday morning classes
6 week sessions cost £ £48 block booking and £9 for drop in.
Yoga Class Timetable
9.30-10.45 Morning Flow, Bronagh
11.00-12.15 Mellow Flow,Bronagh
18.00-19.15 Stretchy Flow, Becs
19.45-21.00 Sunset Flow, Bronagh
6.45-7.45 Sunrise Flow, Bronagh
9.30-10.45 Yoga, Tanya
11.00-12.15 Yoga & Somatics, Tanya
18.00-19.15 tbc
19.30-20.45 Strength,Stretch,Stability Dave
9.30-10.45 Yoga,Tanya
11.00-12.15 Yoga& Somatics, Tanya
19.45-21.00 Yoga, Zara
Please contact teacher directly to book, see mobile numbers next column
All classes begin week starting 9 September 2024 except Bronagh’s which begin on 16 September 2024
Tanya Gillen 07525 496968
Bank details for Tanya
Ulster Bank Portrush
Studio Rentals
Sort Code 98 13 20
Acct No 10393266
Cost to U3A members only is £50 for block booking
Please pay teacher directly, do NOT pay the U3A.
Classes run from 10 Sep 2024 to 24 Oct 24 except for Bronagh's.
Thank you
Mura Sayers
These classes are not U3A events; we have had a relationship with this tutor over several years and because of this, we are providing information for members.
Member must assess the risks of attending Yoga for themselves and make an informed decision.
For Causeway u3a: Mura Sayers
For Arcadia
Zara Johnston 0759 9404537
Tanya Gillen 07525496968
Becs Conianelwood 07971209119
Bronagh Sweeney 07926325790
Davey Elwood
0759 4595034
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