CU3A and the pandemic

Causeway U3A and Social Distancing

to be updated

We live in interesting times.  

As most of our association's activities have been halted by the current pandemic of corona virus, we are putting up this website for the duration of the social distancing policy. We hope it will help members to make most of their time during the crisis. 

If you have any ideas to make this more useful, email us at

Most of the items in this section contain links. Just click anywhere in the item to be taken to the relevant web page. 

What this site contains. 
We will provide links to useful official information about the current pandemic and to the government's strategies to contain and limit it.

We also provide links to methods that will help members to alleviate the social aspects of isolation and to sources that provide help. There will also be more light-hearted links that we hope will entertain members.

Wherever you see the coronavirus picture in this section, it's a link back to this page.

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